An original show flier for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ 1987 Caravan Tour featuring a camel and desert horizon hits center on this double-sided solo tee. Stamped with the tour details on the back as tribute to Petty’s guitar rock rooted legacy.
$ 88.00
$ 49.00
An original show flier for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ 1987 Caravan Tour featuring a camel and desert horizon hits center on this double-sided solo tee. Stamped with the tour details on the back as tribute to Petty’s guitar rock rooted legacy.
$ 65.23
$ 50.18
$ 51.99
$ 39.99
$ 63.77
$ 49.05
$ 54.99
$ 47.99
$ 63.90
$ 49.15
$ 46.00
$ 87.72
$ 67.48
$ 49.99
$ 78.00
$ 65.00